Meghan Markle received acclaim for rejecting a “snub” at Windsor Castle when a spectator “refuses” to shake her hand.
As she met audiences outside Windsor Castle, Meghan Markle garnered great appreciation from fans for the manner she handled a woman who appeared to “refuse” a handshake from the Duchess of Sussex.

To the shock and excitement of the large crowd gathering outside the Queen’s renowned palace, Meghan and her husband Prince Harry joined his brother Prince William and wife Kate for a royal stroll about on Saturday afternoon to view flower offerings made in her honor.
The new Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex spoke to mourners on the other side of the long road after approaching crowds side by side. Meghan made waves across the world after hugging an adolescent girl in the throng who requested a hug.

A girl who gave Meghan Markle a hug provides a heartfelt explanation for the duchess’s daring request as the moment goes viral.
The youngster claimed to the US channel CNN that she did it to “make Meghan feel welcome,” however while the Duchess was greeted warmly by the majority of Windsor residents on Saturday, one woman caught on tape did not appear to be impressed.
Meghan started shaking hands with those leaning against the security barrier as she moved along it, but one woman in navy gave her the cold shoulder and turned her head away before giggling at the woman next to her.
One Twitter user responded to the event that BBC and ITV viewers saw during live coverage, before a recording of it became viral online, and expressed support for Meghan and how she handled the “snub,” writing: “Bad manners, the lady in blue. This casts a negative light on you, not Meghan.” The second answered in the same manner: “That woman in blue is embarrassed right now. Meghan recognised her emotions and continued.”
Given the criticism she received in the media and on social media, some applauded Meghan for the way she handled the entire incident, with one tweeting: “Just goes to show how uneducated and unequal the lady in blue is in comparison to what she thinks of Meghan. The woman in blue had the option to move back had she known Meghan was about to descend the row. Even if I don’t like Meghan, I respect her for attending despite the possibility of jeers.”
However, there has been some sympathy for the woman who unwittingly went famous across the globe. One Twitter user praised her actions, writing: “The lady in blue had every right to voice her own view in light of what Meghan had done. It wasn’t mean, and she could see it was appropriate, proving she is not a hypocrite like other people.