PTI loses Ali Zaidi and Khushro Bakhtiar as well.
Zaidi believes making a choice is difficult. Bakhtiar claims that leaving the party is due to its stance of attacking government agencies.

On Saturday, two prominent members of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) announced that they would be leaving the party in the wake of the events of May 9.
Zaidi, the party’s president in Sindh, released a video statement explaining his decision to leave politics after much thought.
“I resign from PTI Sindh chairmanship, core committee, and membership in the National Assembly,” he continued.
As for his future plans, Zaidi said he will “continue working for Pakistan and bring foreign exchange to the country.”
He reiterated his earlier condemnation of the events on May 9 by saying, “whatever happened was wrong, and whoever was involved in it should be brought to justice.”
Zaidi said, “Pakistan Army is our pride because they allow us to sleep soundly knowing they are keeping our borders safe.” For Pakistan, he added, he decided to enter politics.
Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, a former federal minister, has also declared he will be leaving PTI.
He continued by saying that he had warned the PTI’s senior and frontline leadership about the dangers of the party’s new strategic plan of conflict with national institutions a year ago.
He remarked, “I have distanced myself from party’s politics because of this policy,” adding that he had resigned from his positions as president of South Punjab and as a member of the core committee.
‘The heartbreaking events of May 9 have caused me to dissociate myself from the political ideology of the PTI,’ the ex-federal minister remarked.
“I am very sure that the future of Pakistan is not in the politics of division and partisanship,” he continued.
Numerous PTI leaders, including close confidants of former premier Imran Khan, have been defecting from the party since the crackdown on PTI escalated in the wake of the May 9 incident. Khan has described these departures as “forced divorces.”Many leaders were re-arrested after being freed temporarily on court orders, suggesting that the crackdown was continuing.
Several high-profile members of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), including Shireen Mazari, Aamir Kiani, Amin Aslam, Mahmood Moulvi, Aftab Siddiqui, and Fayyazul Hassan Chohan, have stated their intention to leave the party.
PTI close confidant Asad Umar resigned as secretary-general and core committee member due to the current scenario. This move followed the recent departure of another close Imran ally, PTI member Fawad Chaudhry.
However, Dr. Yasmin Rashid and Mehmoodur Rasheed, two prominent PTI leaders, have publicly stated their support for the party head and their intention to remain in the PTI.