Emerging talent, Aleena & Fareena known for their illustrious and sold-out-in-a-matter-of-minutes exhibitions have made quite a name for themselves as of late. OK! Pakistan sits down with the duo to find out how they started, their inspirations and plans for the future.
Tell us about yourselves and what made you enter into the world of fashion design?
Fareena Adeel: We started off very casually, holding exhibitions yearly, then seasonally as demand increased. The overwhelming response got us moving up and fast. My role mainly in this venture is towards production and management.
Aleena Masood: My love for wearing something different and outstanding has always pushed me to create. Before I started, I used to wear and appreciate other designers, I guess I learned this from my mother and fine-tuned this passion for clothing into developing my own label.
Where did you study?
FA: St. Josephs College & School
AM: Karachi Grammar School
What was your dream job as a kid and why?
FA: I’ve always loved creativity! Before starting my own clothing line, I used to customise gift wrappings for friends and family, and still do when I get the time.
AM: In my early teen years I wanted to become a fitness instructor and I’m still pursuing that dream side by side.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?
FA: No advice for myself as the things have gone step by step and are still in place. My home and family have always been my first priority and that’s how I want it to be forever.
AM: No regrets to advise my 20-year-old self. I believe whatever happened was for the best and there’s nothing I’d look back at and want to change.
How would you describe your design aesthetic?
FA: My sense of colour is very strong.
AM: My designs are quite bold and catchy.
What is your creative process like?
AM & FA: There is no hard and fast procedure to our creativity. A collection could be planned, illustrated and designed over weeks and sometimes very spontaneously.
What drives you to keep designing?
FA: It’s become a part of my life. The appreciation keeps me going, especially when it comes from my spouse.
AM: The feeling of achievement and my love for wearing something exceptional.
Who would you love to see wearing your designs?
AM & FA: All the women in our industry have their own charm. It would be an honour to dress them all.
What are your plans for the future?
AM & FA: We would love to be a part of an international fashion event with all our senior fashion designers.