TikTok offers greater opportunities for creation and connection. With TikTok Now, the well-known video-sharing app has increased the number of tools available for creators while continuing to promote genuine and unplanned relationships on the site.
The newest feature of the app, TikTok Now, is a daily photo and video experience that allows users to interact with and share their most genuine moments with those who mean the most to them.
The new feature adds authenticity to a brand-new creative experience that unites people with those who are close to them and allows users and their friends to utilize the front- and back-facing cameras on their devices to record what they are doing right now.
Users will be prompted each day to take a 10-second video or still shot so they can quickly and conveniently share what they’re doing.
The function may be accessible through TikTok, downloaded as a new TikTok Now app, or both.
The community’s security and privacy were taken into consideration when creating TikTok Now. It enables content producers to control who may access or interact with their material. They may report behavior that violates the Community Guidelines as well as ban people and control which comments are shown on their material.
The video-sharing software takes into account community safety and continues to take further measures to assist teen safety and wellbeing in particular:
If a user under the age of 16 registers for the TikTok Now app, which is similar to TikTok, their account will by default remain secret.
Users who are older than 18 have access to extra sharing options. Depending on the privacy settings users have selected, individuals can choose to share their posts with the larger TikTok Now community.
It is set to “Friends can view” by default. To modify TikTok’s privacy settings, go here:
Tap Friends can view on the Post screen.
Choose who you want to be able to see your postings on TikTok Now.
Friends may see Viewers may access your TikTok Now if they follow you and you follow them back.
Everyone: Your TikTok Now posts are seen by everyone nearby. Remember that nobody can comment or engage with your TikTok Now postings if you are not following them or they are not following you back.