BADIN: Illegal deductions of between Rs 1,000 and Rs 1,500 continue to be made from the quarterly stipends that eligible women in rural Sindh receive through the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), in spite of efforts to stop malpractices.
The problem is not limited to Badin City; unlawful deductions have also been observed in smaller towns including Matli Talhar, Tandobago, Golarchi, Karyo Ghanoor, Pangrio, Nando, and Khoski during the disbursement of stipends.
Many rural women are taken advantage of by those who wait near banks during BISP payments because they are illiterate and unfamiliar with how ATMs work. The only thing these agents charge outrageous fees for is running the ATMs for the recipients.
Locals in Badin bemoaned the involvement of multiple parties in these illegal operations, including police personnel, guards from banks stationed at ATMs, agents, alleged journalists, camera operators, social activists, and members of political and social organisations.
In addition, franchise owners of mobile phone businesses and owners of mobile wallets disclosed that they were under pressure to enable unlawful deductions, which eventually benefited law enforcement officials and extortionists disguising themselves as journalists or social workers.
Tired of being taken advantage of, a few franchise owners acknowledged that they had given gadgets to police officers, journalists, and social activists so they could avoid being blackmailed more.
Critics point to a combination of government policy shortcomings, the indifference and ineptitude of those in charge of BISP disbursement, and the widespread misappropriation of cash intended for low-income women. The program’s fundamental faults make vulnerable recipients’ situation worse, underscoring the urgent need for thorough reform and improved oversight.