ISLAMABAD: at response to growing allegations of bribery and corruption at passport offices, Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi suspended passport officials on Monday.
When the minister went to the Lahore Passport Office in Garden Town, he observed a concerning state of affairs where residents were complaining about long lines, bribery being common, mafia agents having too much power, and a backlog of complaints.
Shocked by what she saw, Mohsin ordered the assistant director and deputy director to be replaced right once and gave the go-ahead for legal proceedings against them.
The testimony of citizens revealed a glaring image of corruption, with many claiming they were forced to bribe mafia operatives in order to get their passports issued more quickly. The token machine’s malfunction exacerbated the applicants’ dissatisfaction.
Interacting with citizens waiting for passport services, the minister was made aware of cases where they had to pay bribes to get over bureaucratic obstacles and heard firsthand stories of the difficulties they faced.
In addition, residents emphasized the extra cost of having to pay a “tax” in order to enter the office building.When asked questions, the director and assistant director were unable to provide adequate answers.
Mohsin Naqvi, the federal interior minister, expressed his dismay over the conditions at the passport office, saying it is unacceptable to demand money for services that are not rendered.
Minister Naqvi responded by appointing a new director and deputy director and launching disciplinary action against the latter.
At the passport office, senior folks and citizens voiced a long list of complaints during Minister Naqvi’s visit. They related stories of incidents where the office’s actual walls appeared to be requesting money, ostensibly to speed up passport processing in exchange for payment.
Speaking with the interior minister face-to-face, residents bemoaned the fact that people of all stripes, from agents to officials, were requesting bribes.
Engaging with the public, Mohsin Naqvi promised to personally look into the situation and answer their complaints. He emphasized that it is the duty of the state to protect the comfort of its people.
The public praised Mohsin Naqvi, the federal interior minister, for his previous excellent work and showed faith in his capacity to improve the office’s operations.