A statement from the Japanese government says that Kenichi Ayukawa, Global Vice President of Suzuki Motor Corporation, led a group of Japanese officials who met with Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Minister for Industries and Production, on Thursday in Islamabad.
Hussain welcomed the group and talked about how important the auto industry is to Pakistan’s economy, including how it creates jobs, helps the economy grow, transfers technology, and advances in industry.
Ayukawa talked about Suzuki’s 40-year experience of making cars in Pakistan and the recent exports of the Suzuki Swift and GS-150 motorcycle, which made Pakistan a part of the global auto market.
The global vice president also said that Suzuki was interested in building a biogas plant in Karachi that would use animal waste and food waste to make clean energy.
The group was told by Hussain that the government would help Suzuki Motor Corporation run its business and grow in Pakistan.