Sharjeel Inam Memon, the Information Minister of Sindh, told Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur on Wednesday to stop “threatening” K-P Governor Faisal Karim Kundi. He said that this was not only an insult to a person but also an attack on the “essence of our constitutional system.”
Remember said in a statement that Gandapur should stay as chief minister and not turn into a “goon.” He said, “We don’t see Gandapur as the chief minister of K-P; we only see him as the chief minister of PTI.” “It looks like Gandapur was only supposed to be a thug but was made chief minister by mistake,” he said. The information minister for Sindh said that “threats” to the governor were not only rude to a person, but also an attack on the “essence of our constitutional system.”
The job that Faisal Karim Kundi has is very important to the law. “Terrorism is what you are doing when you make threats against him,” Memon said.
It was very worrying that someone with a lot of power could scare people, so the information minister for Sindh called for “immediate and decisive action” against Gandapur. He made it clear that PPP always showed restraint and followed the best standards of behavior.