In Karachi on Monday, a group from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) met with Chief Election Commissioner Sikander Sultan Raja and voiced concerns about how the districts were drawn.
A “level playing field” was another issue that the group brought up.
Leaders of the MQM said that Sindh is already “divided” because the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) is more busy than the caretaker government. They also called for “clean and transparent” elections.
The top election commissioner met with Farooq Sattar, Javed Hanif, Abdul Hafeez, and convenor Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui. Sattar is a senior leader of the MQM.
The leaders also said that the group in charge of overseeing elections did not look into any complaints about the way boundaries were drawn in Sindh.
In an interview with the media, Siddiqui said that there is hope for the elections, but he also said that the CEC team seems “compromised.” The leaders didn’t seem to agree and said that the demands were “clean and clear.”
Before, Ahsan Iqbal, a former federal minister, said that his party, PML-N, supported a strong local government system. This was after meeting with a group from the MQM-P.
The MQM-P proposed changes to the constitution that emphasized how well local governments can solve people’s problems. Iqbal promised that he would fully back the suggested changes if they were passed in the next parliament.
Both parties, which are allies in Sindh, said they would work with other allies in the state to get more seats. There was no talk of sharing positions or departments; the talks were mostly about solving problems that people were having.