Adeel Khalid launched the festive collection of Rang Rasiya with an exclusive preview at PFDC Mall One in Gulberg. The collection was well-appreciated and...
Karachi was recently abuzz with people talking about the launch of the city’s latest eatery, Karachi Social Restaurant and Lounge. Foodies from all over...
Crimson recently hosted an evening of canapés and drinks with Chef Shanawaz at Amus to celebrate the launch of its stunning Eid collection, Scintilla.
After gaining prominence in London, Bellagio by Sadaf – a luxury boutique salon with cutting edge technology, officially opened its doors in the heart...
Saira Shakira hosted their Eid exhibition which showcased the brand’s latest Aura collection at their flagship store situated in Gulberg Galleria, Lahore.
Kinza Latif
Mahrukh Chaudhry
Saira Rizwan launched her Allure Eid collection via an exhibition held at her flagship store in Lahore’s Mall 94.
Abeer Irfan
Amber Liaqat
Aymen Hikmat
Myda Malik
Nayaab Gilani