Wednesday, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) told acting Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar that he would have to appear in court on November 29 if 55 “missing” Baloch students were not found by then.
Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani gave these orders while he was hearing a case about following the Baloch Enforced Disappearances Commission’s suggestions.
Along with the acting prime minister, the interim ministers and secretaries of defence and interior were also told to show up at the next meeting.
At the previous meeting, which took place on October 10, the IHC told the state that it was their job to find the missing Baloch students.
The court also agreed with the federal government’s request for more time to turn in the implementation report for the commission’s suggestions.
The extra attorney general asked Justice Kayani not to call the ministers or the prime minister to today’s meeting. The judge didn’t agree and said, “There is nothing wrong with this [calling the PM and other ministers].” There are jokes being told about this case by everyone.
“What more wrong can there be against the people of this country when they are being disappeared?” he asked.
Justice Kayani told a Ministry of Defence representative to show up at the next meeting with the defence minister, the interior minister, and the minister of defence. He also said that for them to show up “would not make a difference” and that calling them was “not rocket science.”
Judge Kayani said, “We are talking about the rights of Balochistan while sitting in Islamabad.”
During the hearing, Imaan Mazari, the lawyer for the missing people, told the court that more Baloch people have been “forcibly disappeared” while this case was still being heard.