In order for Pakistan to continue promoting sustainable development in LDCs, Pakistan will: Shehbaz Shehbaz, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, has expressed sympathy with developing countries in their pursuit of social progress and economic prosperity.

On Monday, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif declared that his country will continue to support a number of particular actions that would advance sustainable development in the world’s least developed (LDC) nations and advance the Doha Plan of Action’s implementation.
He added that Pakistan completely supports and expresses solidarity with developing nations in their pursuit of social advancement and economic success in his remarks to the fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, which is taking place in Doha.
He stated that in order to achieve the lofty goals, it will be necessary to revive international alliances built on practical execution strategies in high-priority areas.
The implementation of the vision and strategy for the sustainable development of the LDCs outlined at the conclusion of the Istanbul Plan of Action, according to the premier, should be reviewed as soon as possible.
The prime minister also urged for the timely access of vaccines for those residing in the least developed nations in order to address vaccine disparity.
According to PM Shehbaz, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has historically committed to providing countries with 0.7% of their gross national income in official development assistance, of which 0.15% to 0.2% must go to the LDCs.
He added that it is a matter of great worry that six LDCs are classed as suffering from the debt load while 17 are at high risk of debt distress and that the rising unsustainable debt burden faced by many LDCs must be addressed.
“We must provide universal access to social protection in order to the most needy and vulnerable,” added the prime minister, underlining the need to “change the uneven international financial architecture and make it people-centric”.
A global technological agreement that supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should also be adopted, according to Shehbaz. He went on to say that innovative technology should be easily accessible to underdeveloped nations in order to boost productivity and close the digital divide.
He pointed out that the Doha Plan of Action sets the lofty goal of enabling 15 more LCDs to graduate by 2031.
The prime minister ended his speech by thanking Qatar’s Ruler Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani for hosting the UN meeting.