It was disclosed on Sunday that Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, who represents Asia in the Committee of Human Rights for Parliamentarians (CHRP) of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), was unanimously elected to the position of vice president during the meeting of the committee that took place in Geneva.
The position of president of the body was chosen to be held by Ms. Millie Odhiambo of Kenya.
When Senator Mushahid is appointed, he will become the first politician from Pakistan to hold a high-ranking job within a crucial body of the International legislative Union (IPU), which is a global organization that represents legislative bodies all over the world. This appointment is a momentous occasion.
At the International Union of People’s Congress General Assembly held in Rwanda two years earlier, Hussain was elected as a member of the Committee on Human Rights and Peace (CHRP), making him the only Asian member of the key 10-member committee.
Formerly a member of the Senate Human Rights Committee, the senator has served in multiple capacities. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that he was the leader of the Pakistani delegation that attended the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva.
“Prisoner of Conscience” status was bestowed upon the senator by the organization known as “Amnesty International,” which is headquartered in London, in the year 2000. This recognition was a recognition of the senator’s commitment to the cause of human rights. As a result of his unjustifiable arrest without any accusations for 440 days, he was the only Pakistani political prisoner to get such an accolade at that time. This acknowledgment was a result of his detention.
Furthermore, the senator continues to be an active advocate for a variety of causes on the world scene. In addition to his role as the convenor of the Pakistan Parliamentary Forum on PKR (Palestine, Kashmir, and Rohingya), he is also a member of the executive board of the Al Quds Parliament, which is situated in Istanbul. In this capacity, he is a supporter of the Palestine cause.