Throughout the years Dr. Mosaraf Ali earned the titles of “Cure All Doctor” and “Genuine Intergrated Physician”. These qualities made him a Royal Physician and family doctor of many highly influential public figures worldwide.
Rejuvenated after a Marma treatment and a conversation with Dr. Ali, I understood why Sylvester Stallone and myriads of others claim “Dr. Ali is the true magic man with the magic hands. I’ve seen the doctor work miracles!”
His boundless energy allows him to spread his knowledge far and wide, one day treating a patient in the Bahamas, the next day being in his clinic in London and the day after being the keynote speaker at an international conference in Delhi. For a man who has written several books, had his own TV show, a regular column in The Mail on Sunday newspaper in the UK, and a clientele that would make any professional envious, Dr. Ali has indeed reached the pinnacle of success.
Can you tell us about your wellness programme which has gained popularity amongst international celebrities and royal families. And why did you choose Muscat?
Dr. Mosaraf Ali: I have been coming to Muscat for work for over 20 years. I like the people and the country. Over the years, I have developed a strong bond with this country. Vogue has put Oman on the second most interesting tourist spot in the world so it has great potential for healthcare tourism.
Over the past 25 years, I have gone to the Himalayas and have taken thousands of my patients from all over the world for my unique high altitude treatment. As you know, sports and army personnel train at high altitude for fitness, energy and stamina. The altitude induces self-healing and as a believer of Hippocrates (whose principles inspired Unani Medicine), I began to use powers of nature to boost healing. Just as cuts, burns, flu, fractures, bruises etc. heal on their own, most ailments can self-heal if the appropriate conditions are laid.
I therefore use altitude, diet, yoga, massages, meditation and natural supplements to stimulate the innate healing power. So when His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, offered me this beautiful place at 2000m with stunning views of the canyon, I couldn’t resist. It is not the Shangri La, but it has the characteristics of it.
What kind of health ailments to you treat and can you explain your Integrative Healthcare model?
DMA: We treat all kinds of chronic conditions. My belief is that if acute ailments become chronic then it is a sign that conventional medicine has failed to cure them. You have to use other alternatives. That is why I created a blend of conventional and traditional medicines, which I called Integrated Healthcare, to be the model for the future.
I use nutrition for digestion, including nutrient absorption and elimination of toxins. I use two types of massages: Marma, an ancient massage system to stimulate the body, while eliminating aches and pains. Marma is key to the healing of injuries in martial arts, and helps to rehabilitate various types of traumas and acquired disabilities. The second is my own Neck Connection Massage ( to improve blood flow to the autonomous/subconscious brain, where the self-healing centres are located. This massage therefore has a cure-all-effect on the body, my panacea for healing.
Therapeutic yoga helps to energise the body and treat ailments using the kriyas or practices.
Meditation is used to still the mind and calm the body.
Supplements are used to help the healing process.
How long has the Time Reversal Spa been open?
DMA: The Time Reversal Spa is a year old. It was a running hotel and a lot of guests had pre-booked a year in advance because it is a charming place. We could not carry out the refurbishment and creation of my healing atmosphere as there was a constant stream of tourists which blocked the rooms.
I decided to treat outdoor patients, from amongst the Omanis. I started off with physical rehab therapies, in which I have great expertise and experience. I therefore created a modest portfolio of cured patients with stroke, birth injuries in children, severe backaches, and road traffic accidents.
From which country/countries do you get the most guests and any particular reason for that?
DMA: I have worked in various parts of the world so my clients are international. I have a lot of day patients who are Omanis. I have never had a shortage of clients so Allah is there to guide us.
My patients from Europe come in for 10-15 days for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, migraine etc., which is what I routinely manage in my London clinic. Oman is popular with Europeans so a holiday cum treatment is always an attractive proposal.
What would you like your legacy to be? Are you passing on your knowledge and trying to spread the power of Marma massage?
DMA: There are many techniques that I have created. I am known as the pioneer of Integrated Healthcare, written eight books, done research in Stroke Rehabilitation in England, trained seven batches of doctors in my methods, and conducted numerous workshops and seminars at conferences. I am in private medicine by choice but I do have the desire to pass the knowledge on for future generations. I have plans to set up a Training Institute, perhaps in Oman, to teach spa therapists who will learn everything about spa from cooking, massages, yoga, principles of Ayurveda, principles of osteopathy to spa management. I feel clinical spas (Sallus; health, Per; through, Aqvuum; water – SPA was the original concept of healthcare) are the places where chronic ailments will be treated in the future. There are no integrated training facilities anywhere in the world. I want to create an institution for the world so that even the therapists are regulated.
Which case that you have treated are you proudest of?
DMA: I will tell you a funny story. A woman had terrible sneezing bouts for three months. All allergies were tested, she was on steroids but nothing helped. I examined her. I took a pair of moustache scissors and trimmed her thick nasal hair. Her sneezing stopped. She had unusually thick and long nasal hair growing inwards. All it took was logic to diagnose the cause.
You are a doctor to many celebrities. Can you please tell us whether they really are different to ordinary people and if so in what way does being famous or having famous patients bring more pressure and responsibility?
DMA: I have been looking after members of the Sharif family when they were in London. Imran Khan knows me well and several important families do come to see me. I hope to see them in Oman too. Celebrities have time restrictions so you have to treat them very quickly or over a period of time. My fame followed success not the other way around. Being a physician attending to Prince Charles helped as I got identified quickly in the early 90’s. Then my books helped a lot. My health column in The Mail on Sunday in UK was a huge success. Appearing so successfully on the Dr. Oz Show in America five years ago helped more international people to recognise my talent. Now I have trained therapists from amongst my family and trainees who are doing excellent work.
Yes it is a responsible job, especially with these famous people.
You’re a medically qualified doctor but also a strong believer in the fact that the body can heal itself. Has this put you at odds with the mainstream medical industry?
DMA: Medical doctors were very skeptical initially but my research and training got them on my side.
In my 35-year-old practice I have treated all kinds of ailments. When I first started everyone was skeptical about what I was doing. I started off by treating disabled/paralysed people because the results had an obvious effect on everybody who saw those improvements. That attracted other types of patients.
In 1988, Doordarshan TV did a documentary on me called Search for an Alternative Therapy which showed my results with various types of ailments including coma, stroke, arthritis, etc. In those days there was just one channel. Thousands of people came to my clinic for miraculous cures.
Celebrity Testimonials
“Dr. Ali is the true magic man with the magic hands. I have seen the doctor work miracles! He has helped me and my family immensely.” Sylvester Stallone
“I promise you this is amazing stuff.” Morgan Freeman
“Dr. Ali has an encyclopedic knowledge of the muscle and nerve systems that he applies therapeutically and energetically to get the maximum results.” Samuel L. Jackson
“Dr. Ali tells you everything about your symptoms that you don’t want to hear, then how they came about, then he cures them.” Lord Andrew Lloyd Weber
“Dr. Ali amazes me. His treatments always work!” Kate Moss