With one in five women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, OK! explores the condition that can cause everything from bad skin to fertility problems


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Jools and Jamie Oliver celebrated the birth of their fifth child, River Rocket recently, but at one time the couple feared that they would never have a family. Former model, Jools says her periods had always been irregular, and when she faced difficulties conceiving after marrying Jamie, she discovered the root of the problem. ‘I was quite quickly diagnosed with PCOS [polycystic ovary syndrome], which meant that I wasn’t ovulating each month like normal,’ she recalls. Jools decided to take the drug Clomid, which stimulates ovulation. She says: ‘I had all the side effects; dizziness, panic attacks, blurred vision. It was awful, but I just thought, keep going.’ Her perseverance paid off and the couple now have five children, but Jools says the fertility issues were emotionally draining, admitting: ‘There was so much pressure on us both. It was especially tough for Jamie because he was working. It’s not a nice way to try to get a baby really.’ Jools isn’t the only celebrity whose fertility has been threatened by PCOS.


According to the NHS, polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormone-related condition that can impact hormone levels and affects how your ovaries work. There’s no known cause but it often runs in families. It triggers high levels of male hormones which can prevent ovulation (the release of eggs). This, along with irregular or absent periods, can make it difficult to conceive. But its name comes from the benign fluid-filled sacs (commonly referred to as cysts), which form on the ovaries – something which OK! columnist Kym Marsh has suffered from in the past.


Every individual is different and not all women suffer from the same symptoms, but along with the irregular periods and lack of ovulation, the most common visible signs are acne, weight gain, hair loss and excessive hair growth on the face and body. Victoria Beckham has admitted: ‘I had polycystic ovaries before I had Brooklyn. I put on weight and it made my skin bad.’ And Stars Wars: The Force Awakens actress Daisy Ridely has revealed she sought advice after her skin erupted. ‘Finally found out I have polycystic ovaries and that’s why it’s bad,’ she told her Instagram followers. ‘I can safely say feeling so self-conscious has left my confidence in tatters. I hate wearing make-up but I currently don’t want to leave the house without it on.’ Rachel Hawkes, chairwoman of the PCOS charity Verity (www.verity-pcos.org.uk) agrees that some of the symptoms of PCOS can be hard to deal with. ‘Because it has such horrible masculine symptoms, it can really affect your self-esteem and sense of femininity,’ she says. ‘We know of women who are too embarrassed to leave the house, or rush to the bathroom to shave before their husbands wake.’


Help is out there. Fertility and PCOS specialist Dr Israel Ortega advises women to make an appointment with their GP. ‘They may carry out an ultrasound scan and/or a blood test as part of the exploration process,’ he explains, adding: ‘Following a diagnosis, you may be referred to a PCOS specialist who’ll be able to advise you on the best way to manage the symptoms.’ So how is PCOS treated? ‘Sadly, there is no cure,’ says Dr Israel. ‘But there are a number of ways in which patients can manage their symptoms effectively. In some cases, a weight loss programme may be advised to help reduce the effects of PCOS. Studies have shown that in overweight women, a decrease of just five per cent of their body mass can have a positive impact on the condition. And for those suffering from irregular periods, it’s often advisable to go on the contraceptive pill which can help regulate their cycle.’


Model Danielle Lloyd, now a mother of three boys, has spoken of her fear of being left infertile when she was first planning her family. ‘I have polycystic ovary syndrome, which can make it hard to conceive,’ she said. ‘I’ve already had surgery on my ovaries, so I won’t leave motherhood too late.’ If you’ve similarly been diagnosed and are trying to get pregnant, Dr Israel advises seeing a fertility specialist on your GP’s recommendation. ‘They’ll be able to check if there are any further problems, such as blocked Fallopian tubes, before advising on the best course of medication. Clomifene medicine is often prescribed to encourage the regular release of an egg from the ovaries, but there are a number of other options which can be considered.’ Izzy Judd and her McFly drummer husband Harry turned to IVF after she discovered she had PCOS in her twenties. ‘You feel like you’re never going to be the ones who get to say: “We’re having a baby,” said Izzy. But after welcoming ‘miracle baby’ Lola in January, Izzy and Harry know only too well that a polycystic ovary syndrome diagnosis doesn’t have to spell an end to those happy family dreams.


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